Women collection

More similar to the work of actual jewelry than fashion jewelry, Gas Bijoux has opened a new path, that of High Fashion Jewelry. The savoir-faire of Gas Bijoux, through permanent collections of timeless jewels and temporary trendy collections, offers earrings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and rings.

Shopping Options
  1. Bicolor 3 items
  2. Brass covered with genuine silver 132 items
  3. Gold plated 326 items
  4. Rhodium 5 items
  1. Stone set earrings 1 item
  2. Link bracelets 22 items
  3. Wedding bracelets 6 items
  4. Bangle bracelets 127 items
  5. Lucky charm bracelets 24 items
  6. Cuff bracelets 30 items
  7. Pendant necklaces 33 items
  8. Charm necklaces 8 items
  9. Link necklaces 28 items
  10. Wedding necklaces 9 items
  11. Chocker necklaces 42 items
  1. $0.00 - $100.00 48 items
  2. $100.00 - $200.00 181 items
  3. $200.00 - $300.00 128 items
  4. $300.00 - $400.00 68 items
  5. $400.00 - $500.00 13 items
  6. $500.00 - $600.00 6 items
  1. Acetate 27 items
  2. Ariane 8 items
  3. Bronx 4 items
  4. Celebration & Mother-of-pearl 38 items
  5. Link chains 38 items
  6. Cophea 4 items
  7. Eclipse 7 items
  8. Grand evening 22 items
  9. Must-Have 108 items
  10. Maranzana 6 items
  11. Multiperla 3 items
  12. Gemstones 54 items
  13. Raffia 3 items
  14. Sari & Sarina 16 items
  15. Scaramouche 22 items
  16. Strada & Co 7 items
  17. Wave 4 items
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