Celebration & Mother-and-Pearl

We are honored to be a part of your life, even in the most important moments. For the big day, Gas Bijoux has imagined creations that no one will forget...

Shopping Options
  1. 4O 1 item
  2. Gold plated 26 items
  1. Wedding earrings 43 items
  2. Tassels earrings 8 items
  3. Pearl earrings 4 items
  4. Stone set earrings 26 items
  5. Oversized earrings 7 items
  6. Clip-ons 13 items
  7. Hoop earrings 21 items
  8. Suds earrings 2 items
  9. Wedding bracelets 5 items
  10. Bangle bracelets 5 items
  11. Cuff bracelets 10 items
  12. Pendant necklaces 10 items
  13. Link necklaces 2 items
  14. Wedding necklaces 9 items
  15. Chocker necklaces 2 items
  1. $100.00 - $200.00 11 items
  2. $200.00 - $300.00 9 items
  3. $300.00 - $400.00 4 items
  4. $400.00 - $500.00 1 item
  1. Celebration & Mother-of-pearl 13 items
  2. Grand evening 2 items
  3. Gemstones 14 items
Now Shopping by
  1. Style
    Stone set earrings