Golden Jewelry

Discover the craftsmanship of our maison-atelier through our timeless golden pieces. Whether in their original version or reinvented, they will bring a lasting touch of elegance to your style.

Shopping Options
  1. Brass covered with genuine silver 3 items
  2. Gold plated 173 items
  1. Wedding earrings 6 items
  2. Oversized earrings 15 items
  3. Clip-ons 19 items
  4. Hoop earrings 34 items
  5. Suds earrings 7 items
  6. Link bracelets 9 items
  7. Wedding bracelets 1 item
  8. Bangle bracelets 23 items
  9. Cuff bracelets 9 items
  10. Pendant necklaces 5 items
  11. Link necklaces 9 items
  12. Wedding necklaces 1 item
  13. Chocker necklaces 7 items
  1. $0.00 - $100.00 17 items
  2. $100.00 - $200.00 87 items
  3. $200.00 - $300.00 48 items
  4. $300.00 - $400.00 12 items
  5. $400.00 - $500.00 2 items
  6. $500.00 - $600.00 4 items
  1. Celebration & Mother-of-pearl 9 items
  2. Link chains 15 items
  3. Must-Have 93 items
  4. Maranzana 3 items
  5. Onde 9 items
  6. Gemstones 1 item
  7. Scaramouche 6 items
  8. Wave 12 items